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What cable do I use to connect a PC to a DSL or Cable modem?

Categories: Brothers-Y NewsStars: 3StarsVisit: -Release time: 2013-10-15 11:03:00
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To make a connection to a PC from a DSL or Cable modem you will need to use a CAT 5 patch cable, or a CAT 5e patch cable. The Cat 5 patch cable is what is called a "straight through cable", and is the proper cable to use for this application. If you are using a DSL or Cable router, you would still use a CAT 5 patch cable, or a CAT 5e patch cable to connect the DSL or Cable modem to the router.
Patch Cables are used to connect devices to each other in a network environment. One way to characterize this would be to day that Patch Cables are used to join devices that are not alike. In the above example, a computer and a modem are two different pieces of equipment, and therefore require a Patch Cable.
CAT 5 Cable Company produces the finest CAT 5, CAT 5e Patch and Crossover Cables that money can buy. All are hand made and 100% hand checked and quality control tested before shipping.